Journeys filled with profound emotions such as grief, sympathy, isolation, love, anger and many more. The book sends readers on a quest to hold hands with these emotions and thoughts, and to duel, embrace, and be present with them ‘in the moment’.
To learn from the past, that carries into the present and make a better future. -
Readers are granted admission to a uncannily, bizarre and heart pounding ride of poems. The author plants poems into the reader's mind. That reflects numerous nightmares of all shapes and sizes. From a haunted doll, alien invasion, a teeth pulling serial killer and many more.
So come one and come all, step right up. But proceed with caution. Because once you're in the show, there's no turning back. -
Bringing the trilogy full circle. The final place of retreat. A place for readers to go intuitively in their mind, away from technology and the average busy life. And back to natural roots they can experience together and 'connect' with nature and each human through words in this book.